Let’s begin this journey, shall we?

Hello my friends, 
Happy New Year!!! Wish all the best for you and your family! May all your wishes come true in 2016!!!
Well, now that 2015 is over, I believe it is time for me to start this blog, which was supposed to begin this time last year…. Anyone would wonder what happened in a year that prevented me from start writing this blog. It was nothing important, like health issues. More like an overwhelming feeling of trying to keep up with work, everyday chores, and a few quilt-alongs, knit-alongs, crochet-alongs, gym, taking care of our pets, adopting new stray ones….oh well, time never felt right and was never enough. So now that the group-alongs are finished, and pets can be more independent, I can finally begin.
Welcome again to my blog. Thank you for joining me in this journey.
I will be talking about the quilt/knit/crochet-alongs that I took part in last year and some new friends that I made in those groups, some UFO quilt tops from 2014 (I know!!!), a couple of baby quilts that I have promised to make as gifts to a couple of friends that gave birth(I was terrible in timing last year!!), and any new project, internet crafty class that I really really like and would love to share.
I will also be mentioning the eshops that I buy my supplies from, and all the crafters/bloggers that inspire me and I follow. The reason I’m doing this, is due to the fact that modern quilting, knitting and crochet is quite new in Greece, so I would like to share whatever I learn with whomever is interested. I am blissfully unaware if this blog will be kept written in English or if I will add Greek and make it bilingual. I guess time will tell.
So thank you again for joining me, stay tuned for some amazing projects.
Be safe, healthy and happy in 2016!!!
Geia sas,

16 thoughts on “Let’s begin this journey, shall we?

  1. Let me be the first one to comment Eleni. Your intentions are wonderful, we need a lot of information in Greece, because patchwork/quilting isn't widely known over here. But….we will change that, won't we !!! I am going to take my blog more serious too this year. I am thinking of participating in a FAL (finish along) group. You can guess why!! Good luck with your blog.


  2. Good morning dear Ada!!! yoohoo!!! Thank you for the first comment ever on this blog!!! I am grateful for this!! I totally agree with you, we need more patchwork/quilting blogs and info in Greece, and we will get there, I am quite positive about it!!! I read about you following the FAL, and clicked on the link for that on your friend's blog, sounds quite interesting, but needs time and dedication!!! I will try to finish all my UFO's without the FAL and post about them here too. Thank you again for your support!!! Will put your blog on my favourite links too!!!


  3. Oh about this, I'm trying to figure how this works too. It has a button about following by email, which means that when I post you receive an email about it with the link to the blog????? maybe!! will do some research during weekend and will short it!!!


  4. Good morning Faith, thank you so much for your comment, I follow you too now on your blog!!! Will be posting something new soon, thank you for your support!! xx


  5. Well done!!! I'm sure you will do your best and proceed with your projects!!! The end result will make you very happy!!! Post updates on your blog too!!! I have managed to expose myself on some unfinished projects, so I will follow you un-officially!! Good luck Ada!!


  6. Hi Teje, thank you for your comment and adding me on your bloglovin group. I have added your new address in here, under my favourite blogs. It was about time to start this blog, before I lose track of what I create!!! I will have the next post before the end of the week!!!


  7. Hi Teje, thank you for your comment and adding me on your bloglovin group. I have added your new address in here, under my favourite blogs. It was about time to start this blog, before I lose track of what I create!!! I will have the next post before the end of the week!!!


  8. I just found your blog too my dear Eleni, best wishes and how wonderful that you share your crafty life with us. Very interested to see how your projects are coming along. And you knit too! I am so jealous, it's convenient to have a knitting project that you can carry, it's not so easy with patchwork, although I quilted 100 hearts in a coach going to Volos


  9. Thank you my dearest Antigone, it is a new experience for me too. Thank you for adding me to your Bloglovin account, and let me know if you have a blog to add you too!!! xx


  10. Thank you for joining me in this journey my dear Efi, hope you enjoy it as much as I do. It is mostly like a journal of the things that I make or the groups that we take part in. I wish I had started last year during the “Geitonia” progress, to show in real time everyone's work!! I will present it here soon though. Yes, knitting is good too!! and crochet!!! You quilted 100 hearts on the way to Volos>??? see, that is perfect too!! one of the convenient projects too is to carry a small bag with EPP (english paper piecing) project, you can work on it anywhere!!! Check the book “Quilting on the go” by Jessica Alexandrakis, you will fall in love with it!!! xx


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